
Travel Information

Travel Information of Laconia Region in Peloponnese Greece


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Laconia - Peloponnese Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Laconia, Peloponnese.
Select and contact direct the accommodation of your choice. Listed all stars hotels.

  Laconia - Peloponnese Holiday Resorts, Hotels Catalogue
  Laconia Peloponnese - Virtual Travel Tour
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Travel Information
Laconia in Peloponnese Greece
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Laconia - Beaches of Laconia, Peloponnese

Information About Laconia Beaches

Laconia Beaches - Abelakia Beach

Laconia Beaches - Abelakia Beach

Located in the area Ksifias in Monemvasia, a beautiful sandy beach with a magnificent view of Monemvasia.

Laconia Beaches - Elafonissos Beach

Laconia Beaches - Elafonissos Beach

Elafonissos is a small island between Kythira and the south Peloponnesus coast. The islands has crystal clear waters, plenty of fish and is ideal for diving.

Laconia Beaches - Elia Beach

Laconia Beaches - Elia Beach

The picturesque port of Elia, near Molaous, got its name from the rich olive groves in the area. It is a summer resort with plenty of hotels and rooms for rent.

Laconia Beaches - Gerolimenas Beach

Laconia Beaches - Gerolimenas Beach

Gerolimenas is a natural port with a traditional village built along its coast. It is located on the eastern side of Kavo Grosso. It is very lively during the summer months and has a vast choice of accommodation and fresh fish restaurants to offer its visitors.


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Hotels and Apartments in Peloponnese.