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Travel Information of Fokida Region in Central Greece


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Fokida - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Fokida, Central Greece.
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Travel Information
Fokida in Central Greece
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Cities & Villages

Fokida - Cities & Villages of Fokida, Central Greece

Information About Fokida Cities & Villages

Fokida - Marathia

Fokida - Marathia

Marathia is a village in the Fokida Prefecture on the coast of the Corinthian Gulf on the side of Roumeli with a population of 450. Its valley is small but covered in every kind of fruit tree, orange, lemon and olive trees decorate the surrounding area. The beaches from Fokiotrypa to Skaloma are ideal for relaxation. The locals are mostly farmers that make a second income from their small tourist businesses in the summer.

Fokida - Mariolata

Fokida - Mariolata

Located on the foothills of Mt Parnassus on an altitude of 380m with a population of 540. According to the legends the village was named after the beauty of its women. It is divided into two settlements, the old and new village and belongs to the municipality of Gravia.

Mariolata is a long village and the picturesque locations of Gura and Drabala with the refreshing springs attract a great number of visitors. Hikers and hunters visit the village in the winter and spring. The locals are mostly farmers. High up on the hill you will find the remnants of an ancient Doric city of Vion which was destroyed by the Persians in 480BC as well as the Bartospilia Cave where the gunpowder was wade during the Greek revolution of 1821. The small gorge that leads to the Bartospilia is also worth visiting.

Fokida - Galaxidi

Fokida - Galaxidi

The is nobel, picturesque village built on the location of the ancient town of Oanthia. It has approx 1400 villagers that are very proud of their inheritance and their 4000 years of service to the navy.

Your sightseeing should include the church of Agios Nikolaos, the ruins of the ancient city’s walls, the sculptured tombs from the Classic Period etc. You can also visit the Naval and Ethnological Museum, the Folklore museum, the church of Agia Paraksevi with the sundial, the Byzantine monastery of Sotiros built in 1250AD etc.

Fokida - Pentagii

Fokida - Pentagii

Pentagioi is a picturesque village built at an altitude of 950m approx 80km northwest from Amfissa. It belongs to the Vardousion municipality and has a population of 270.

Built on a slope facing east along the mountaintops of Mt Vardousia. The landscape comprises of fir trees, plane trees, white mountains, plenty of running water, stone houses and cobbled roads.


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