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Travel Information of Fokida Region in Central Greece


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Fokida - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Fokida, Central Greece.
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Travel Information
Fokida in Central Greece
ancient delphi hotels and apartments Fokida central greece galaxidi hotels and apartments Fokida central greece Itea hotels and apartments Fokida central greece Ravia hotels and apartments Fokida central greece

Fokida - Museums in Fokida, Central Greece

Information About Fokida Museums

Fokida Museums - Archaeological Museum of Delphi

Fokida Museums - Archaeological Museum of Delphi

The Archaeological Museum of Delphi, one of the most important in Greece, exhibits the history of the Delphic sanctuary, site of the most famous ancient Greek oracle. Its rich collections are comprised primarily of architectural sculpture, statues and minor objects donated to the sanctuary. These reflect its religious, political and artistic activities from its early years in the eight century BC to its decline in Late Antiquity.

Fokida Museums - Archaeological Museum Lidorikiou

Fokida Museums - Archaeological Museum Lidorikiou

The Archaeological collection of Lidorikiou was founded to present the findings of Kalliou from the Geometric to the Early Christian period. The collection comprises of findings from the excavation sites which along with the traditions and fortification walls are all that are left from this ancient town. The artifacts on display are of great significance as the ruins of the town have been covered by the Mornou Lake.

Fokida Museums - Archaeological Collection of Galaxidi

Fokida Museums - Archaeological Collection of Galaxidi

Archaeological Collection of Galaxidi exhibits findings from the area of Galaxidi that are connected to the private and public life, the commercial activity and the cemeteries of the cities and chronologically cover the entire history of the area from the Bronze Age to the end of antiquity.

It shares a roof with the Naval and Ethnological Museum in a traditional building, that was erected in 1868-1870 to house the school, municipality and police station of the town. The two main halls belonged to the municipality until 1979 but since 1932 they belong to the Naval Gallery of Galaxidi.


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