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Travel Information of Fokida Region in Central Greece


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Fokida - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Fokida, Central Greece.
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Travel Information
Fokida in Central Greece
ancient delphi hotels and apartments Fokida central greece galaxidi hotels and apartments Fokida central greece Itea hotels and apartments Fokida central greece Ravia hotels and apartments Fokida central greece

Fokida - History of Fokida, Central Greece

Information About Fokida History

Fokida hotels and apartments Central Greece

Fokida is a regions rich in history with warm and hospitable people. Visitors have the opportunity to see a region of immense natural beauty , ever changing landscapes and witness the presence and evolution of mythology, history, art, and civilization over the last few thousand years.

Fokida was named after Fokos, son of Aiakos, who took over the area. According to another legend the region was named after Fokos the son of Ornytionas, leader of the Corinthians. The first inhabitants, the Pelasgians were followed by the Aeolian and Doric tribes. The ancient borders of Fokida were much different that today. It reached from Lokrida in the East to Antikyra in the west.


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