Aegean & Sporades

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Travel Information of Aegean & Sporades Islands Region in Greek Islands


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Aegean & Sporades Islands - Greek Islands Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Aegean & Sporades Islands, Greek Islands.
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Aegean & Sporades Islands
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Aegean & Sporades Islands

Archaeological Sites of Aegean & Sporades Islands, Greek Islands

Information About the Aegean & Sporades Islands Archaeological Sites

Aegean & Sporades Islands - The temple of Artemis (Ikaria Island)

Aegean & Sporades Islands Archaeological Sites - The temple of Artemis (Ikaria Island)

The temple of Ikarian Artemis was discovered in 1983 by the Greek archaelogist Leontas Politis. In the region a building of dimensions 10 x 4 was discovered. It was founded on a strengthened base that was essential due to the unsound ground of the region. At a distance of 10 metres a second smaller building was also found which probably accomodated statue of Artemis. Other objects found include a well-developed crater in which appears chamois, a pin with the head of a lion, a beautiful head of a statue of Hellenistic era, as well as two torsos of female statues, one of 5th century B.C. and the other of 2nd century B.C.

Aegean & Sporades Islands - The Holy temple of Kaveirion (Limnos Island)

Aegean & Sporades Islands Archaeological Sites - The Holy temple of Kaveirion (Limnos Island)

The Holy temple of Kaveirion is located in the northern part of island precisely opposite Samothrace where the second holy temple that exists in Greece can be found. This is proof that communication between in the two islands existed, at least regarding the practice of Adoration of Kaveirion. The religion of Kaveirion that is met in Limnos and the Samothrace was carried out with the utmost secrecy by the priests in almost magical-type ceremonies for the fertility for the childless women.

Aegean & Sporades Islands - Archaeological Place of Palamari (Skyros Island)

Aegean & Sporades Islands Archaeological Sites - Archaeological Place of Palamari (Skyros Island)

Situated on the north coast of Skyros, approximately 13 northwest of Chora is the site of ancient Palamari - an area of great historic importance for the island. It was here that a fortified hamlet was discovered, and which has since been dated to be from the Early and Middle Cooper Period (2500 - 1800 BC). The remains that stand today are highly interesting, and one can easily picture where the streets and buildings were placed. Many other interesting artefacts such as stone tools and appliances, a variety of vessels and vases, as well as tools made from bone were found there.

Aegean & Sporades Islands - Iraio (Samos Island)

Aegean & Sporades Islands Archaeological Sites - Iraio
(Samos Island)

In Iraio of Samos the ruins of an homonym temple of antiquity have also been found, which were dedicated to Ira. The region of Iraio was the oldest place of religious adoration, something that appears from the fact that in the region ruins of at least 4 temples exist.. Irodotos reports that Iraio of Samos was the biggest temple in Greece. It is in the Ionian style, with 155 gigantic pillars. Characteristic of the level of manufacture is the existence of a network of an earthen drainage system.


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