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  Jimmy's Garden Apartments

- Goura Hôtels

CODE: GH31180
Chambres: -
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description Just 250m from Faliraki Beach, Jimmy’s Garden is set amid a well-tended garden with grassy areas and trees. It offers self-catering accommodation...



Goura Hôtels
Catégorie: 0 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-
Fax: -

  Xenia Kastanias Hotel

- Goura Hôtels

CODE: GH4871
Kastania,Xenia Kastanias Hotel,Korinthias,Peloponissos
Chambres: 17
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description The Xenia Kastanias Hotel sits in Kastania - Korinthia and offers 17 fully refurbished rooms, with beautiful view and full service 24 hours a day....



Goura Hôtels
Catégorie: 3 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27470-61283
Fax: -

  Ta Limeria Tou Pana Hotel

- Goura Hôtels

CODE: GH2591
Ta Limeria Tou Pana,Gkoura,Korinthia,Feneos,Beach,Garden
Chambres: 5
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description Ta Limeria Tou Pana Hotel is a beautiful destination located in Goura village in Korinthia. This hotel in Goura is an ideal place for relaxation in ...



Goura Hôtels
Catégorie: 4 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27420-20055
Fax: -

  Traditional House Karteri Tou Leonida

- Goura Appartements

CODE: GH9631
Traditional Guesthouse Karteri Tou Leonida,Karteri,Korinthia,Peloponissos,Greece,Winter Resort
Chambres: 16
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description The guesthouse and the tavern are located in an agricultural estate of 150 sq.m in Karteri. The rooms are simple and clean, minimally decorated and...



Goura Appartements
Catégorie: 2 Clés

Tél:  +30-27470-31213
Fax: -

  Semeli Hotel

- Goura Hôtels

CODE: GH5406
Peloponissos,Semeli Hotel,Korinthia,Zireia,Goura
Chambres: 10
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description Semeli Hotel is located in Ziria, in Goura of Korinthia. This Hotel is ready to offers its high standard of services to all its guests in Ziria



Goura Hôtels
Catégorie: 3 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27470-51319
Fax: -

  Traditional Guesthouse Kallisto

- Goura Appartements

CODE: GH9628
Traditional Guesthouse Kallisto,Goura,Korinthia,Peloponissos,Greece
Chambres: 3
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description The Traditional Guesthouse Kallisto Apartments located in Gourna affords unrestricted view to the Mountains of Ziria and Chelmos. The rooms are...



Goura Appartements
Catégorie: 2 Clés

Tél:  +30-27470-51080
Fax: -

  Karteri Hotel

- Goura Hôtels

CODE: GH4852
Karteri, Karteri Hotel,Korinthia,Beach,Peloponissos,Greece
Chambres: 7
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description The Karteri Hotel sits in Karteri - Korinthia and offers 7 fully refurbished rooms, with beautiful view and full service 24 hours a day. The friendly...



Goura Hôtels
Catégorie: 2 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27470-31203
Fax: -

  Traditional Archontiko Predari Hotel

- Goura Hôtels

CODE: GH9742
Traditional Archontiko Predari,Goura,Korinthia,Peloponissos,Winter Resort,Greece
Chambres: 8
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description The Traditional Archontiko Predari Hotel is located in the magnificent village of Gourna in Korinthia. The hotel is ideal four your vacations at any...



Goura Hôtels
Catégorie: 3 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27470-51280
Fax: -

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