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Agii Theodori

Hôtels et Appartements

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  Iliochari Hotel

- Agii Theodori Hôtels

CODE: GH4619
Korinthia,Iliochari Hotel,Agii Theodori,Beach,Peloponissos,Greece
Chambres: 148
Période d'exploitation: Avr-Oct

Description The Iliochari Hotel is located Agii Theodori Korinthia, within walking distance from the beach and just 600m from the center of town. It has 148...



Agii Theodori Hôtels
Catégorie: 3 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27410-67112
Fax: -

  Siagas Beach Hotel

- Agii Theodori Hôtels

CODE: GH2103
Siagas Beach Hotel,Agioi Theothoroi,Athens,Korinthos,beach,sea
Chambres: 101
Période d'exploitation: Mar-Oct

Description The Siagas Beach Hotel is located in the magnificent village of Agii Theodori in Korinthia. The ideal location of the hotel grants you easy access...



Agii Theodori Hôtels
Catégorie: 3 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27410-67501/4
Fax: -

  Club Hotel Iliochari

- Agii Theodori Hôtels

CODE: GH20729
Chambres: -
Période d'exploitation: Jan-D�c

Description Located just 80 metres from the beach, in the area of Agioi Theodoroi, Club Hotel Iliochari is set amidst lush greenery and it has a pool. Its rooms...



Agii Theodori Hôtels
Catégorie: 0 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-
Fax: -

  Hanikian Beach Hotel

- Agii Theodori Hôtels

CODE: GH2102
Hanikian Beach Hotel,Agioi Theothoroi,Athens,Korinthos,beach,sea
Chambres: 287
Période d'exploitation: Avr-Oct

Description The Hanikian Beach Hotel is located in the beautiful village of Agii Theodori in Korinthia. This hotel is the ideal choice for your summer vacations...



Agii Theodori Hôtels
Catégorie: 3 Etoiles

Tél:  +30-27410-67151
Fax: -

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