Rethymnon Region

Travel Information

Travel Information of Rethymnon Region in Crete Island Greece


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Rethymnon - Crete Hotels and Apartments

Hotels, Villas and Apartments listed by area in Rethymnon, Crete.
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Rethymnon in Crete Island Greece
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Rethymnon - Cities & Villages of Rethymnon Crete

Information About Rethymnon Cities & Villages

Rethymnon - Anogia

Rethymnon - Anogia

The large village of Anogia is located on the borders of Rethymnon and Heraklion Prefectures. The village was founded by shepherds during the 13th century.

The village was the centre of the Cretan rebellion activists during the Ottoman occupation and a key resistance meeting place during the German occupation of WWII. Their resistance activities led to the total destruction of the village by the Germans and the execution of all the Anogian men. After the war the village was rebuilt.

Its inhabitants follow the old traditions, occupations and way of life with sheep herding and handicrafts of wool dyeing and preparation for weaving on the traditional looms. The traditional costumes are still worn.

Rethymnon - Argyroupoli

Rethymnon - Argyroupoli

Argyroupoli is located 27 km southwest of Rethymnon on the slopes of the Psilotitis mountain range in an area of natural beauty. The village is built on the site of the ancient city of Lappa. There is a small chapel within the cave that is located by the Holy Power springs close by.

Rethymnon - Plakias

Rethymnon - Plakias

The village resort of Plakias is on the south coast of the Rethymnon Prefecture 38 km from Rethymnon and located between the Kourtalioti and Kotsifou gorges. Its sandy beach has crystal clear waters.

Rethymnon - Panormos

Rethymnon - Panormos

The resort village of Panormos is on the north coast 19 km from Rethymnon and site on the ancient town of Elefthernas. Within the village is the church of St Sophia built in early Christian era.

Rethymnon - Bali

Rethymnon - Bali

The fishing village resort of Bali is located 31 km from Rethymnon. The village has a small organised sandy beach and many small coves close by.


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