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Travel Information of Viotia Region in Central Greece


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Viotia - Central Greece Hotels and Apartments

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Travel Information
Viotia in Central Greece
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Viotia - General Information About Viotia, Central Greece

Information About Viotia Region

Viotia hotels and apartments Central Greece

The prefecture of Viotia is part of Central Greece. It extends 3,211 sq. klm/ and has a population of 134,108 inhabitants (registered population of 132,119) (1991). Capital of the prefecture is Leivadia with a population of 19.295 inhabitants.

It is divided into two provinces, that of Livadia with Livadia as capital and Thivon with Thebes as capital. It includes a total of 20 municipalities. Other major cities besides Livadia are Thebes (19,509 inhabitants), Orchomenos (5,525), Vagia (4,525), Schimatari (7,302), Enofita (6,313), Aliartos (4,633) and Arachova (3,375).

The largest plains are those of Thebes, Chaeronea and Kopaida (which was created after the exsiccation of homonymous lake). There are several small rivers and streams and one of the main ones is Asopos, on the west of the prefecture, which originates from Kithairon and spills into the Evian Gulf, the Voiotikos Kifissos that spills into the Yliki lake and Livadostra which spills into the Corinthian Gulf. Some of the smaller rivers are the branches of Kifissos, Mornos and Melas.

Viotia hotels and apartments Central Greece

The prefecture has two lakes, Yliki and Paralimni, which both provide the lake of marathon with water. The basins of Viotia are surrounded by mountains: Elikona (with its highest peak being Paliovouna 1,748m high). Kithairon (1,409m high), Parnassos (2,400m high), Neraidolakkoma (1,678m), Massapio (1,201m.) and Chlomo (1,081m.).

The Corinthian Gulf shores form the capes of Agia, Mavros Kavos and Mounta and many small islands such as Makronisi and Elatonisi. Viotia has many uninhabited islets such as Ampelos, Daskalio, Tsarouchi, Kasides, Alatonisi, Vromi, Makronisos, the Halcyon Islands, Grammousa, Gantza, Pasa etc. In the Evian Gulf the narrows of Avlida and Evripos and Skroponeriou bay are formed.

The climate of Viotia is continental with cold winters and warm summers. The average temperature is 16-18oC and the average of rainfall is 500-600mm.


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